Virtual Trainings
NESPTM partners with the Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) to provide trainings on conducting benefit-cost analyses of distributed energy resources and related analyses.
Attendees can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs).
Dec. 2-4, 2024 (1-3 pm ET daily): Accounting for Equity in Utility DER Investment Decisions: How to Conduct a Distributional Equity Analysis (DEA)
Description: Designed for utility and consulting evaluation practitioners, state agencies and interested stakeholders, this course focuses on how to conduct a DEA alongside benefit-cost analyses using U.S. DOE’s Distributional Equity Analysis for Energy Efficiency and Other Distributed Energy Resources: A Practical Guide. This course will walk through the key stages of conducting a DEA including how jurisdictions can identify priority populations (e.g., underserved communities) for their analysis, selection of DEA metrics, mapping metrics to priority populations and use of different geo-spatial tools, and presenting DEA results alongside BCA results..
Format: Three days, each with 2-hour modules.
Registration opens soon.
For information about in-person NSPM Certification training, visit the Become NSPM CertifiedTM page.
Past Virtual Trainings: 2024
Sept. 23-26, 2024 (2-4 pm ET daily): Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Investments
Description: Designed for utility and consulting evaluation practitioners, state agencies and interested stakeholders, this course is on the purpose, process and key considerations in benefit-cost analysis (BCA) – also referred to as “cost-effectiveness” testing – of single and multiple DER investments. Attendees delve into practical application of key concepts in BCA using the National Standard Practice ManualTM (NSPM).
Sept. 24-26 sessions cover key economic principles and a framework for conducting BCAs, and discuss how to develop a primary cost-effectiveness test and the purpose of secondary tests. Attendees learned about factors that affect BCA for different DER types, options for presenting BCA results, and differentiating between BCA and other analyses, such as rate impact analyses, that help to inform DER investment decisions.
Format: Three days, each with 2-hour modules, starting with an optional BCA primer on Sept. 23 recommended for attendees with little or no cost-effectiveness background.
July 30-31, Aug. 1-2:
How to Conduct a Distributional Equity Analysis to Inform DER Investment Decisions
March 25-28 (2-4 pm daily):
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resource Investments