About NESP

The National Energy Screening Project (NESPTM) mission is to improve cost-effectiveness screening practices for distributed energy resources (DERs). NESP joins organizations and individuals with a common interest in improving cost-effectiveness assessment — also referred to as benefit-cost analysis (BCA) — of DERs.

The National Energy Screening Project (NESP) convenes stakeholders and is open to all organizations and individuals interested in working collaboratively to improve BCA practices. To find out more about membership, and to join, see NESP Membership.

Content is guided by an Advisory Group.

E4TheFuture serves as coordinator of the NESP and manages its publications and products. Its main products are the National Standard Practice ManualTM (NSPM) and Database of Screening Practices (DSP). NESP is primarily funded by E4TheFuture with support from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Julie Michals, Director of Valuation, E4TheFuture

See E4TheFuture staff bios.

Josh Owens, Senior Associate, E4TheFuture

See background and early history of the NESP (evolution of the NSPM).

Contact NSPM@nationalenergyscreeningproject.org.