Training and Certification

NESPTM partners with the Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) to provide trainings on conducting benefit-cost analyses (using the NSPM) and on distributional equity analyses (using the forthcoming US DEA guide). Upcoming trainings are listed below.

More are planned on BCA-specific topics and conducting distribution equity analyses (with registration and details coming soon).

In July 2024, AESP and NESP will launch an NSPM training certification program.

March 25-28, 2024 (2-4 pm ET daily): Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resource Investments

Description: For evaluation practitioners. This training is on the purpose, process and key considerations in benefit-cost analysis (BCA) – also referred to as “cost-effectiveness” testing – of single and multiple distributed energy resource (DER) investments. Attendees will delve into practical application of key concepts in BCA using the NSPM.

Collage of icons including bar charts and calculator on dark blue background See more details and REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING

Format: The training comprises 3-4 modules, each 2 hours, starting with an optional primer on 3/25 recommended for attendees with little or no cost-effectiveness background.

Sessions on 3/26, 27, and 28 will review key economic principles and framework for conducting BCAs, discuss how to develop a primary cost-effectiveness test and approaches to quantifying DER impacts. Attendees will learn options for presenting BCA results that are clear and help to inform a jurisdiction’s priority goals and objectives, and differentiating between BCA and other analyses that help to inform DER investment decisions.

Attendees can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs).

Past Trainings

NESP has also provided training via the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) via its Regulatory Training Initiative (RTI) primarily for regulatory staff. Event recordings available on-demand cover BCA, and how to conduct a distributional equity analysis (DEA) alongside a BCA to help address equitable allocation of benefits and costs across customers when making DER investment decisions.

On-Demand: Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) for Distribution Energy Resources

NESP prepared this three-part training session (May 30-June 1, 2023; each module is two hours). Instructors: Karl Rábago, Rábago Energy LLC and Tim Woolf, Synapse Energy Economics use the NSPM and the Methods, Tools, and Resources Handbook as the basis for instruction. Key topics include:

  • BCA definition, categories and inputs; foundational BCA principles and framework;
  • Developing a primary BCA test, BCAs for different DERs, presenting BCA results; and
  • BCAs vs. rate and bill impact analysis; energy equity and BCA; quantifying BCA impacts.

Available at: NARUC Store

On-Demand: Conducting Distributional Equity Analysis (DEA)

NESP prepared this three-part training session (Sept 12-14, 2023; each module is two hours). Instructors: Tim Woolf and Alice Napoleon of Synapse Energy Economics and Nichole Hanus from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) use guidance being developed by LBNL on conducting DEA for energy efficiency and other DERs. Key topics include:

  • Difference between BCA and DEA;
  • Conducting DEA in conjunction with BCA to help inform regulatory decision-making in utility DER investments using a broad decision framework; and
  • Examples of conducting a DEA using selected distributional equity metrics and example target populations (e.g., disadvantaged communities).

Available at: NARUC Store